Reclaiming Rights,
Rebuilding Lives

Breaking Barriers: Addressing Menstrual
Health and Wellbeing as Human Rights

KELIN is the national coordinator of Transform Health Kenya, a coalition member of Transform Health Coalition.
Transform Health Kenya is a coalition of organisations and institutions in Kenya working on health and human rights, working with key and affected populations, youth, women, and on digital health technologies, all of whom are committed to achieving Universal Health Coverage through the use of digital technologies and data.

The Kenya Legal & Ethical Issues Network on HIV and AIDS

The Kenya Legal & Ethical Issues Network on HIV and AIDS (KELIN) believes in a world where no one lives in fear or oppression; where all have access to decent standard of healthcare and life; a world where everyone is treated with dignity and respect.  

To achieve this, we engage in long-term human based approach work, build resilience, respond to health violation situations, and seek to address the root cause of health violations through our advocacy work. 


Cases Currently in the high court, 1 case concluded


cases handled through community partnerships


persons provided with free legal advice through 4 legal aid clinics


We advocate for a holistic and rights-based system of service delivery in health and for the full enjoyment of the right to health by all, including the vulnerable, marginalized, and excluded populations in these four thematic areas.

In the implementation of our programs and related activities, we utilize a rights-based approach; prioritizing the key principles of people-centeredness, accountability, equality, and non-discrimination.

S t r a t e g i c P l a n

Since 2001, the Kenya Legal and Ethical Issues Network (KELIN) has advocated for a rights-based approach to HIV-related strategies and programmes at the national and county level. KELIN has done this through a variety of training programmes, advocacy campaigns, and litigation on matters relating to HIV law and the rights of people living with and affected by HIV.

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