A Dialogue on the Role of Law in Reducing HIV infections in Nakuru County


Pro bono lawyer speaking on the legal and ethical issues in relation to HIV

KELIN in partnership with NEPHAK with support from Aids Fonds will carry out a county dialogue forum on the 16 May, 2014 at Midland Hotel, Nakuru County. The dialogue will provide a platform for candid discussions between representatives of PLHIV, health care workers and lawyers, and members of the County Executive Committee, County Assembly, law enforcement officers, judicial officers and other stakeholder’s on issues relating to HIV, human rights and the law that affect the county. The discussions aim to generate a rights-based multi-sectoral county response to HIV with a focus on legislation and policy development. A similar activity was also undertaken in Kilifi County in 2013.

According to the recently published County profiles Nakuru is ranked as the 31st highest burdened county with an HIV prevalence rate of 5.6%.  In an attempt to push for county ownership of the HIV response, the various stakeholders previously trained by KELIN (healthcare workers, lawyers, PLHIV, law enforcement officers) has will present issues of concern to the county officials.

In line with the Constitution, the county governments are tasked with the responsibility of making laws within their respective counties. There is need for collaboration to ensure effective HIV responses within the county.

The aim is to reduce stigma and discrimination with regard to HIV prevention and treatment services for PLHIV, repeal punitive laws and prohibitive policies that hinder equal access to HIV services.

To contribute to the discussions during the forum, follow KELIN on our social media platforms for the latest updates.