KELIN and LEAHN dialogue with the Justice Committee of Nairobi County on Punitive Laws affecting Key Populations


LEAHN focal point Chief Inspector Wilosn Edung  & Members of the Nairobi City Council Assembly deliberating on punitive laws affecting key populations   Picture By: KELIN/Ted Wandera

On 2 March 2015 KELIN and Law Enforcement and HIV Network(LEAHN) were invited for a meeting by the Nairobi County Sectoral Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs. The meeting was a follow up action of a meeting held on 11 February, 2015 during the 2nd International Conference on Law Enforcement and Public Health held in Amsterdam where it was resolved that the committee would invite LEAHN and its partners to discuss the salient themes of law enforcement and public health partnerships.

The Nairobi County Sectoral Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs committee is mandated to deal with matters related to Constitutional affairs, the administration of law and justice, including city inspectorate and enforcement, ethics, integrity, anti-corruption and human rights at the county level.

At this meeting the committee was enlightened on the unconstitutionality of some of the bylaws especially those against sex work and how these laws exacerbate violence against sex workers and the spread of HIV. Members of the committee agreed with the information indicating that they had received numerous reports on violations of sex workers. They also indicated that members of the Judiciary from the City Court have frequently raised concern on taking pleas from sex workers who had been charged with loitering significantly increasing their already over burdened work load. The committee however raised caution that seeking to fully decriminalize sex work might create backlash from religious communities who are part of their electorate.

During the meeting KELIN shared the following resources with the members of the committee.

As a result of the meeting, the Members of the County Assembly committed to working with KELIN and LEAHN to reform the said laws owing to the fact that they were promulgated during the colonial error and are now archaic and repugnant to justice.

“We will try and work together in the improvement of the legal and justice side in our country and pray that we get all the necessary support from your organizations.” said of Hon. Jackie Nyangala as the meeting came to a close

At the end of the meeting, the Committee, the LEAHN and KELIN representatives agreed to hold further meetings to kick off the tasks agreed upon.