Prosecution Counsel to be Sensitized on Sexual Reproductive Health Rights

KELIN, in partnership with the Reproductive Health and Rights Alliance (RHRA) and with support from Planned Parenthood Global (Africa Regional Offices) is conducting a two day workshop with the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, themed: From Principle To Practice – A Dialogue On The Medical, Legal And Ethical Issues Surrounding Sexual And Reproductive Health Rights. The training will be held on 9 -10 April, 2015 at the Sarova Panafric Hotel.

The workshop aims to achieve the following key objectives:
a. To sensitize the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions on the magnitude and incidences of reproductive health rights violations in Kenya;
b. To guide the participants on the correct interpretation of the legal and policy frameworks on sexual and reproductive health rights in Kenya;
c. To create a forum for open dialogue amongst the participants on the medical and ethical issues surrounding sexual and reproductive health rights;
d. To equip participants with sufficient and practical case studies, precedents and experience sharing that will ensure a higher rate of convictions for sexual offenders; and
e. To build stronger networking relations amongst the police, judiciary, medical fraternity, civil society and state prosecutors.

Prosecution counsel, from Nairobi county, were chosen as a key group for this workshop in light of the prosecutorial role they play in regard to issues of sexual and reproductive health more particularly in matters of rape, incest, defilement, unsafe abortion and sexual and gender based violence.
The partners anticipate that as a result of this workshop, there will be increased competence of Kenyan state prosecutors in handling cases of sexual and gender-based violence.

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