Twenty Lawyers from three counties to be sensitized on their role in Advancing Reproductive Health Rights

Twenty lawyers, from the counties of Mombasa, Nairobi and Nakuru will participate in a two day dialogue that focuses on the role of lawyers in advancing reproductive health rights. The dialogue, that will take place in Nairobi County, is in partnership with Reproductive Health and Rights Alliance (RHRA) and with support from Planned Parenthood Global (Africa Regional Offices).

This dialogue aims to achieve the following five key objectives:
a) To sensitize lawyers in private practice on the magnitude and incidences of reproductive health rights violations in Kenya;
b) To guide participants on the correct interpretation of the legal and policy frameworks on sexual and reproductive health rights in Kenya;
c) To create a thought provoking forum on the potential strategic interest litigation cases that participants can institute in court surrounding sexual and reproductive health rights;
d) To equip participants with sufficient and practical case studies, precedents and experience sharing; and
e) To build stronger networking relations amongst participants and initiate a Legal Support Network that will conduct research and take up cases on sexual and reproductive health rights.

Lawyers in private practice were chosen as a key group for this dialogue in light of the role they play as researchers, activists, academics, lawmakers and litigants in regard to issues of sexual and reproductive health more particularly in matters of rape, incest, defilement, unsafe abortion and sexual and gender based violence.

At the end of the dialogue it is expected that the participants will have increased knowledge, skills and competence in matters of sexual and reproductive health This will in turn result in , a stronger ability by the lawyers in instituting and litigating public interest cases, The long term outcome of the workshop is to help create an enabling environment for the realization of the right to health including reproductive health rights as enshrined in Article 43(1)a of the Constitution of Kenya.

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