Forty Five Crime Investigation Unit Police Officers to Benefit from a Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights Training

Forty Five police officers, from the crimes investigation unit, Nairobi County will participate in a one day training that focuses on understanding sexual and reproductive health rights. The training that will take place in Nairobi County is in partnership with Reproductive Health and Rights Alliance (RHRA) is supported by Planned Parenthood Global (Africa Regional Offices).

This is as a build-up of the trainings that we have been undertaking at the Provincial Police Training Centre in Nairobi with the police earlier this year. The training will focus on Best Procedure Practices (BPP) by police officers while investigating victims suspected to have procured abortion.

The training aims to achieve the following five key objectives:
1) To introduce participants to the concept of sexual and reproductive health and rights;
2) To interrogate the magnitude and increase in maternal deaths in Kenya in line with recent studies;
3) To unpack and build an understanding of the legislative framework on reproductive health in Kenya;
4) To explore the role of police in promoting reproductive health rights as agents of change.

At the end of the dialogue it is expected that the participants will have increased knowledge, skills and competence in matters of sexual and reproductive health.

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