KELIN Appoints Ms. Lucy Ghati as Programme Manager, HIV & TB

21 September 2015, Nairobi, Kenya. KELIN announced the appointment of Ms. Lucy Ghati as its first ever Programme Manager, HIV & TB. Lucy is a trained educationist with a master’s degree in Early Childhood Education. She has over seven years of experience in program planning, implementation and coordination from the National Empowerment Network of People Living with HIV&AIDS in Kenya (NEPHAK). While at NEPHAK Lucy implemented TB and HIV programs funded by The Global Fund to Fight HIV, TB and Malaria (GFATM) as well USAID.
In 2012,Lucy was a successful AVAC fellow and implemented a biomedical HIV prevention research grant on optimizing Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) treatment as prevention. She serves in various national and international technical working and representative groups, including as a community representative to the new TB vaccines working group of the Stop TB Partnership, as a member of the Global Steering group on the elimination of vertical transmission of HIV in children by 2015 and keeping their mothers alive.

In relation to this appointment, KELIN’s Executive Director Mr. Allan Maleche said, “With KELIN’s expanding mandate to deal with the right to health while still maintaining its niche on HIV & TB, I am delighted to have Lucy on our team for the coming years. She brings great programmatic and community experience that will provide the perfect blend within our programmes. Her appointment has given us a chance to fully implement the principles of Greater Involvement of People Living with HIV (GIPA) and Meaningful Involvement of People Living with HIV (MIPA). Am delighted that KELIN is walking the talk on GIPA and MIPA.”
Lucy joins KELIN as the third thematic head following the successful recruitment of Ms. Tabitha Griffith Saoyo, the head of the Sexual &Reproductive Health Rights thematic area and Mr. Onyango Opudo Ondeng,head of Women Land & Property Rights thematic area. The appointments are in a bid to complete the shift to the new strategic plan, which came into effect early in 2015.

For further information contact:
Sandra Ocholla
Acting Executive Director, KELIN
Tel Cell +254790339964;
For Twitter updates: @KELINKenya

December 21, 2015

Congratulations Lucy! Stop TB Patnership- Kenya is excited to work with you!