Women Land and Property Rights

Transforming peer norms about women’s land rights

Transforming peer norms about women’s land rights is a priority!

Securing the future of families, protecting the rights of widows and orphans and ensuring that community structures are non-discriminatory in their outlook and implementation. 


In leveraging alternative justice systems, we develop the legal capacity of traditional dispute resolution 

mechanisms to support women in their journey towards equality and access to their rights in communities that discriminate women and deny them their land ownership rights due to prevailing patriarchal cultures. 


Engage women from support groups in both Kisumu and Homabay Counties for the purpose of creating a network of women who are well versed with the legal framework governing women’s right to own land and property. 



Create an environment for open discussion and sharing experiences among the stakeholders. This facilitates identification of challenges that hinder access to justice for women land and properties rights and forges a functional partnership between the Elders and the Court Users Committee .


widow support groups sensitized


champions of equitable norms capacity enhanced


disinheritance cases resolved