Power button on as 2023 kicks off!

Harnessing technology and use of data towards achievement of Universal Health Coverage by 2030 remains top on our agenda as Transform Health Kenya Coalition.

It been an exciting quarter and this January we have set the pace for the rest of the year! Here’s an update on what we have been up to and what to expect in 2023.

Human Centred Legislative Guide

With our eye on achieving Universal Health Coverage, the coalition is currently working on a human centered legislative guide aimed at contributing to the legal and policy environment for E-Health in Kenya as an enabler towards achievement of the universal health coverage commitments. The Guide, that will act as an important tool to both policy and law makers as well as communities, speaks to recommendations on implementation of Section 104 of the Health Act (one-legislation), and has been developed through a consultative process involving major health sector stakeholders. Look out for the final report and guide in the coming months.

#MyDataOurHealth Campaign

Data protection is key to a human-rights based approach to health data management and use. On #DataProtectionDay, Transform Health Kenya was not left behind in the #MyDataOurHealh Campaign and called on the Ministry of Health to protect our privacy.

Calling for #HealthDataGovernance to be included in the WHO Executive Board Meeting

Transform Health Kenya joined in a global campaign calling on the Ministry of Health, Kenya, to make a formal request to support a resolution to have health data governance on the agenda at the WHO Executive Board meeting and the World Health Assembly. The coalition also called upon the Kenya to sponsor a World Health Assembly resolution mandating the WHO to lead a fully inclusive process to develop a global framework[1].

Why Transform Health Kenya supports legislation on digital health

Did you know that the Ministry of Health in Kenya is in the process of developing an E-Health Bill? Well, while Transform Health Kenya supports the development of such bills that create an enabling legal environment for the adoption of digital health, there are some significant gaps to be addressed. Check out this statement on Why Transform Health Kenya supports legislation of digital health.

Transform Health Kenya Quarterly Meeting

On 26th and 27th January 2023 the coalition held the second quarterly meeting that presented an opportunity to plan for a wholesome delivery of its annual interventions.

Figure 1: Transform Health Kenya Coalition Members Quarter 2 Meeting Held on 26th and 27th January 2023

What to expect from Transform Health Kenya in 2023

  1. The implementing partners will engage in the development of 3 key research reports on the need for people centred standardization of Digital Health Technologies, Digital Health Services and Applications and Resource Gap Analysis affecting the implementation of digital health in Kenya.
  2. The members will also engage the national and County governments on the development and enactment of a national E-Health Bill as well as county specific E-Health Bills.
  3.  Coalition members also intend to enhance the capacity of community members with a special focus on women, youth, and key populations on the key features of existing legislation and legislation currently being developed by the government, focusing on digital health technologies and data.
  4. Digital health dialogues with government, healthcare professionals, media, and the private sector to promote government stewardship of digital health programs
  5. Media campaigns to raise awareness on digital health technologies as an avenue for the realization of Universal health coverage.

We have a national Twitter Page, and you are welcome to visit, follow and engage with us! @Trans4mHealthKe

[1] https://t.co/MseEjedCtu