A Step Closer To A National E-Health Bill For Kenya

The Ministry of Health and the Transform Health Kenya Coalition partnered to advance the drafting of the National E-Health Bill. The exercise was led by the Directorate of Health Policy, Research, M&E at the Ministry of Health. This was a 5-day workshop held in Machakos County from 27th to 31st March 2023. Participants included representatives from the public sector, private sector, civil society, research institutions, community members and Transform Health Kenya Coalition member representatives.

The drafting exercise kicked off with shared expectations from the various participants. The workshop envisioned salient issues to be addressed within the bill. The following emerging issues were critically evaluated and discussed with the experts in the workshop. These include but are not limited to:

  • Data governance and protection of health data.
  • Standardization of developed applications in health informatics.
  • Promotion of research on e-health.
  • Facilitation of development of cloud storage of health data.
  • Anchoring data privacy and its nuances for health data in law.
  • To aid in facilitating and regulating health data exchange.
  • Creation of a safe environment that enables individuals including women youth and key populations to be comfortable using digital health technologies knowing that their rights are enforceable in law.
  • Assurance that the Bill is in conformity with the Constitution and consistent with other related laws such as the Data Protection Act.

Once enacted, the E-Health Bill will provide for a framework for provision of e-Health services, establish an integrated e-Health management information system, data governance and protection of personal health information, service delivery through digital health interventions, e-waste disposal, health tourism, and for connected purposes. It shall provide a policy framework and establish a national eHealth System that will direct, institutionalize and regulate the practice of eHealth in Kenya thus enable widespread access to health care services, health information, and securely share and exchange client’s information in support to safer, quality health care, more equitable and responsive health system for all the Kenyan people by transforming the way information is used to facilitate care and delivery of specialized health services across the country.

 The Transform Health Kenya Coalition is elated to contribute to this standard setting law and look forward to the enactment of the bill as an Act.

To contribute to discussion on this forum, follow Transform Health Kenya

Twitter: @Trans4mHealthKe

Email: transformhealthke@gmail.com


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For more information, please contact:

Martha Ogutu | Health Governance

Kuwinda Lane, off Langata Road, Karen C

P O Box 112 – 00202 KNH Nairobi

Tel: 020, 2515790

E-mail:  marthaogutu@kelinkenya.org  

Website: www.kelinkenya.org