Empowering Kisumu on Health Rights: Transform Health Kenya Ignites Action From Community Leaders

On March 20th, 2023, Kisumu was buzzing with excitement as Transform Health Kenya took centre stage for an exciting community sensitization event on the Kenya Digital Health Act 2023! With a lineup of chiefs, religious leaders, youth activists, persons with disabilities, Persons Living with HIV champions, healthcare providers, and community leaders, it was a gathering like no other. The mission? To ignite awareness and empower every community member with the power to enable them to assert their rights in digital health.

The activity kicked off as KELIN’s Program Officer, Olendo Obondo shared the UN Special Rapporteur report on Digital Innovations technology and the Rights to health that highlighted issues on availability and accessibility of health facilities, goods and services supported by digital innovation and technologies. She also highlighted its effect on the right to privacy.   That was just the warm-up act, as the main event was led by KELIN’s  Program Associate, Pauline Omoto, who gave insights on the Digital Health Act 2023. Pauline painted a vivid picture on the intersectionality of the  Digital Health Act,  Kenya’s constitution and  Kenya’s Health Act 2017. She also highlighted the emphasis placed on the right to health, and e-health by all the above legislations. She tactfully simplified issues on the registration of data controllersand data processors, principles and obligations of personal data protection, processing of personal data and transfer of personal data outside Kenya spelt out under the Data Protection Act.

The crowd was intrigued by the discussions on the game-changing Comprehensive Integrated Health Information System that will be developed and maintained by the Digital Health Agency under the Digital Health Act 2023.  KELIN colleagues elaborated on concerns relating to the right to health such as privacy, consent, and personal? security! The energy was infectious as we discussed how community members could respond to breaches of regulations in the Act by either raising the issue with the management of the hospital, engaging the Office of the Data Commissioner or Filing a case in Court.

But wait, there’s more! The spotlight was also shone on the Kisumu Digital Health roadmap, laying out the county’s vision for a fully digitalized health system. Transform Health is excited to be part of this revolutionary journey with the community in Kisumu. We will continue to keep our eyes and ears close to the ground and document privacy & confidentiality pitfalls, legal gaps and loopholes, and seek to continuously empower communities on their health-related human rights.

The buzz left behind by the event was palpable. Personal stories were shared and challenges were voiced by community members concerning how healthcare facilities are reluctant to share with them their own health data.    One thing’s for sure though, – we’re all collectively fired up to transform Kisumu’s healthcare landscape for the better. With renewed commitment and passion from participants,  Transform Health is ready to ride the digital wave towards equitable, accessible, and top-notch healthcare for all. Transform Health Kenya’s initiative proves that when communities come together, there’s nothing we can’t achieve.

To contribute to the discussion, follow KELIN on our social media platforms.

Twitter: @KELINKenya


For more information, please contact.

Pauline Omoto

Program Associate

Kenya Legal and Ethical Issues Network on HIV & AIDS (KELIN)

Kuwinda Lane, Karen C, off Langáta Road

Email: paulineomoto@kelinkenya.org