Multi-Stakeholder Summit in Nairobi Propels Advocacy on  Healthy Diets and Non-Communicable Disease Prevention

KELIN spearheaded a multi-stakeholder dialogue on Front of Pack Nutrition Labelling (FPL) and Restrictions on the marketing of foods and non-alcoholic beverages to children, as key policy tools for fostering healthy diets and preventing Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs). The event, held on May 2nd and 3rd, 2024, in Nairobi Kenya, garnered participation from influential stakeholders including UNICEF, the Technical University of Kenya, the African Population and Health Research Centre (APHRC), Kenyan Network of Cancer (KENCO), Baringo County, Ministry of Health, NCD Alliance, Moi University, Egerton University, IILA, and University of Nairobi.

The primary objectives of the Summit were to reignite discussions towards establishing an evidence-based Nutrient Profile Model (NPM), establish standards for FPL and to advance efforts for comprehensive regulation on marketing to curb children and adolescents’ exposure to unhealthy food and beverages.

Participants discussed the Principles of the Nutrient Profile Model emphasizing that the model needs to be clear, relevant, and grounded in scientific evidence. Kenya has currently developed a Nutrient Profile Model which is pending adoption by the Ministry of Health. The NPM which identifies the threshold for nutrients of concern, being salt, sugar, and fats in packaged foods, set the stage for discussion on its application in front-of-pack labelling as well as in restriction on marketing of foods and non-alcoholic beverages to children.

Plenary discussions at the summit led to the identification of exciting opportunities to propel the dialogue forward. Specifically, there is a need to urge broader stakeholder engagement to advocate for a supportive legal environment to counter unhealthy diets. Participants particularly emphasized the need for citizen inclusion and collaborative efforts among organizations to drive progress in this conversation on health diets.

The meeting concluded with identified areas for intervention, which included direct policy engagement with the Government, community awareness initiatives, and proactive responses to industry interference. This concerted effort aims to protect consumers and combat the rise of NCDs effectively, taking a proactive approach to attaining the highest standards of health care. KELIN  continues to be a forefront runner in ensuring that policies and laws in place foster the realization of health rights for all.

To contribute to the discussion, follow KELIN on our social media platforms.  

Twitter: @KELINKenya     

For more information, please contact. 

Pauline Omoto 

Program Associate 

Kenya Legal and Ethical Issues Network on HIV & AIDS (KELIN) 

Kuwinda Lane, Karen C, off Langáta Road 
