Spotlight of Digital Health and Rights: Insights from the Digital Rights and Inclusion Forum 2024 (DRIF 24)

Olendo Obondo, Program Officer – KELIN

KELIN made its inaugural appearance at the 2024 Digital Rights and Inclusion Forum in Accra, Ghana, from April 23rd to 25th. Teaming up with colleagues from NAP+ Ghana, STOPAIDS, and GNP+, we led a compelling dialogue on Digital Health and Inclusion, exploring the impact of digital transformation on marginalized communities.

Our panel stood out as the sole discussion platform focused on Digital Health & Rights. Delving deep into the concept of Digital Health Rights and its crucial inclusion in major Digital Rights Forums, we engaged over fifty delegates from across the region and beyond. Guiding and orchestrating the conversation, KELIN played a central role in steering the panel’s discourse.

During the session, a representative from STOPAIDS delivered a virtual overview of the UN Special Rapporteur Report on Digital Innovation, Technology, and the Right to Health in Africa. GNP+, in collaboration with Dr. T Mofokeng, the Special Rapporteur on the Right to Health, outlined key recommendations from the report and explored the intersection of Digital Health in Africa.

Additionally, a youth representative from the Digital Health and Rights Project Kenya Community Advisory Team (K-CAT), along with a regional digital rights expert, shed light on meaningful youth participation in the governance of digital technologies. A member of the Ghana Advisory Team (G-CAT), supported by NAP+ Ghana, shared firsthand experiences of young people, underscoring the nexus between Digital Technologies and the Right to Health in Africa.

During our time there, we prioritized attending other panel discussions and gained valuable insights from these sessions that addressed issues on digital health access, the role of tech companies in digital health and the role of advocacy in addressing inequalities and ensuring accountability.  

Key takeaways from DRIF 2024

“DRIF reinforced the importance of placing human rights at the centre of digital policy and practice. We need to keep working together to promote digital rights and ensure that the benefits of the digital revolution are shared by all.” Olendo Obondo, KELIN Program Officer.

Nomtika Mjwana- GNP+; “…DRIF is definitely an advocacy platform DHRP partners in the region (Africa) need to maximize on and have a foot in annually. It is important for us to partner with DRIF to talk more about our work and use it to disseminate the Digital Health Rights work as it is a monumental Digital Rights platform.’

Fouzia and Martin- Ghana Community Advisory Team; “…DRIF was a fun way for us to talk about how the youth are involved in the Digital Health Rights Project and general Digital Governance in Africa and we hope to be able to disseminate our research findings at DRIF25…”