A Digital Campaign on Healthy Diets: Tackling Kenya’s Rising Burden of Non-Communicable Diseases

The Digital Healthy Diets Champions are ready to take on the rising burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in Kenya through a focused social media advocacy campaign. At an inception meeting organized by KELIN on 14 August 2024 in Nairobi, Kenya, representatives from International Institute of Legislative Affairs, National Council of Churches of Kenya, and Non-Communicable Diseases Alliance of Kenya, and 10 digital healthy diet champions unified to discuss strategies for creating and promoting policies that support healthier food environments. The two-day session marked a crucial step in planning the launch of the digital campaign to advocate for policies that promote healthy diets.

During the meeting, we discussed the linkages between unhealthy diets and the increasing burden of non-communicable diseases, accounting for 50% of hospital admissions in Kenya. Participants shared real-life stories of the impact of NCDs on their lives demonstrating the growing burden of NCDs in Kenya. To address some of these gaps, KELIN presented to the participants proposed policy measures needed to promote healthy diets. These include a Nutrient Profile Model which sets thresholds on nutrients of concern (sugar, sodium, and fats); Front-of-Pack Warning Labelling (FOPWL). These two guidelines present easy-to-understand information to consumers on nutritional value of products and measures to restrict the marketing of unhealthy diets and non-alcoholic beverages to children. 

A key outcome of the meeting was the co-creation of a media campaign strategy aimed at raising public awareness about the dangers of consumption of high amounts of nutrients of concern and policy solutions to this issue. These initiatives will be pivotal in educating the public, influencing policymakers, and fostering a supportive environment for healthier dietary practices across the nation.

KELIN remains committed to advancing and promoting health rights for all. We look forward to working with the Digital Healthy Diet Champions and other stakeholders on this initiative. This campaign is scheduled to kick off in September 2024, and we welcome the public to participate widely once launched.

To contribute to the discussion, follow KELIN on our social media platforms.  

Twitter: @KELINKenya  


For more information, please contact. 

Pauline Omoto 

Program Officer, Health & Governance 

Kenya Legal and Ethical Issues Network on HIV & AIDS (KELIN) 

Kuwinda Lane, Karen C, off Langáta Road 

Email: paulineomoto@kelinkenya.org