In a groundbreaking effort to address tenure insecurity in Kenya, KELIN teamed up with Pamoja Trust from September 10-12, 2024, to train National Land Commission (NLC) officials on the Social Tenure Domain Model (STDM). This innovative tool, developed by the UN Habitat Global Land Tool Network (GLTN), is designed to revolutionize land rights by including marginalized communities often left out of formal land systems.
The workshop couldn’t have come at a better time. A recent pilot study by the NLC shed light on the precarious situation of those living in “houses without land” under the tenancy at will system. These communities, though widespread, lack legal recognition, and face tenure insecurity as a result.
“The UN Habitat GLTN is keen on creating affordable solutions such as STDM to record land information beyond cadastral models towards realization of the continuum of land rights. STDM focusses on informality of land systems and involves participatory gender centred enumeration for land use planning, driving revenue.” – Mr. John Gitau, UN Habitat Secretariat highlighted.
Participants, including surveyors, planners, and researchers from the NLC, were excited to learn how the STDM could help track the numbers of individuals under tenancy at will and create more inclusive land solutions.
“We are proud to partner with the NLC to make sure the voices of marginalized communities are heard. Using STDM, we will conduct joint research that promotes equitable access to land rights for all.” said Elsie Milimu, Program Officer at KELIN.
The road ahead looks promising, with KELIN, Pamoja Trust, and the NLC paving the way toward a future where tenure security is a reality for all Kenyans.
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For more information, contact:
Elise Milimu
Program Officer