The International Week of Deaf People was celebrated from September 23rd to 29th, 2024, under the theme “Sign Up for Sign Language Rights.” This year’s celebration coincided with World Contraception Day on September 26th and International Safe Abortion Day on September 28th. On September 27th, KELIN proudly partnered with the County Gender Department in Homabay to mark Deaf Awareness Week, focusing on the importance of providing age-appropriate and accurate Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR) information to all differently-abled individuals, including the Deaf community.

Speakers at the vibrant celebration, filled with music, dancing, and color, emphasized the need to embrace, educate, and empower differently-abled individuals within their communities. Members of the deaf community called on the County Government of Homa Bay to empower them through affirmative actions that support their economic progress. They highlighted the necessity of making SRHR services and information accessible and tailored to their unique needs. Additionally, they challenged healthcare providers and county officials to learn sign language to better communicate with and serve deaf individuals.

The event showcased strong solidarity within the SRHR movement in Homa Bay County, with several Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) uniting to advocate for the rights of the deaf community. This collective support was warmly received by the community. During the event, Edwine Nyanja, KELIN’s Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Coordinator in Homa Bay County, pledged KELIN’s continued partnership with both the deaf community and the County Government to ensure the full enjoyment of health-related rights for all.

“KELIN advances a human rights approach that leaves no one behind. We will continue to reach out to the marginalized groups in society, advocating for and with them, to ensure that their SRHR rights are promoted and protected”, Edwine Nyanja, Program Officer SRHR.

To contribute to the discussions on this forum, follow KELIN on our social media platforms:

Twitter: @KELINKenya following the hashtag: #justice2health)

For more information, please contact:

Ngina Muyanga

Programme Manager, Sexual Reproductive Health Rights

P. O. Box 112 – 00202 KNH Nairobi,

Tel: 020, 2515790




Photo: Participants pose for a photo during ISAD Celebrations 2024 in Homabay County

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