Empowering Men to Support Women’s Land Rights: KELIN’s Training in Siaya, Kenya

From 27th to 31st January 2025, KELIN held a training session for 27 women and men in Siaya, Kenya. The participants,  young and old men and women, came together to discuss how to support women’s land rights. The training used the “Securing Your Family Futures” (SYFF) curriculum, KELIN’s initiative to challenge harmful social norms and cultural practices, with the goal of promoting gender equality in land ownership.

The training focused on fostering cooperation between men and women to increase women’s access to, use of, ownership of, control of and decision making about land in Kenya. It also addressed issues of gender-based violence by promoting peaceful family and community relationships. The participants learned about Kenya’s marriage, inheritance, and land laws, and discussed how men can help create equal social and gender norms.

During plenary, it was evident that emotional abuse, harmful cultural practises, and financial violations perpetuated by men more predominantly impacted the harmonious functioning of families. One participant remarked, “It is time for action! we need to raise awareness on the importance of decision making and will making,” and requested for more follow up meetings so as to increase SYFF principles in Siaya region, as well as monitor and evaluate change.”

KELIN remains committed to advancing Kenya’s constitutional guarantees for family, property, and gender equality, as enshrined in Articles 27, 40, and 45. Going forward, KELIN will focus on building stronger relationships with duty bearers and providing training for elders in the use of Alternative Justice Systems to resolve conflicts  and  challenge harmful practices that hinder women’s access to land and property rights in accordance with Article 159 of the Constitution.

To contribute to the discussion, follow KELIN on our social media platforms. 

Twitter: @KELINKenya http://www.facebook.com/kelinkenya  

Website: www.kelinkenya.org 

For more information, please contact. 

Trevor Mwangi |Program Associate, 

Women Land & Property Rights 

P O Box 112 – 00202 KNH Nairobi, 

Tel: 020, 2515790 │Mobile: +254710261408 


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