From June 4th to 7th, 2024, KELIN partnered with the National Steering Committee on the Implementation of Alternative Justice Systems (NaSCI-AJS), the Judiciary, Non-Governmental Organizations, Academia, county governments, AJS practitioners, and other stakeholders for the 3rd AJS Conference at Kabarak University in Nakuru, Kenya. The conference, themed “Accelerating People-Centered Justice in Kenya: Engaging, Expanding, and Retooling Alternative Justice Systems,” was inaugurated by the Honorable Chief Justice of Kenya, Martha Koome. In her address, the Honorable Lady Justice reiterated her vision for the Judiciary, emphasizing Social Transformation through Access to Justice. She stressed the need for Kenyans to become agents of their own justice, bridging existing gaps. Judicial officers, she noted, should serve as connectors of justice champions and provide a rights-based framework for AJS practitioners.

KELIN’s Board Chair, Senior Counsel Mr. Ambrose Rachier, emphasized how AJS facilitates dialogue and community-based solutions to disputes. Reflecting on KELIN’s Cultural Structural Project’s achievements, he highlighted resolving 1064 cases of land disputes and widow disinheritance through AJS. AJS, mandated by Article 159, offers inclusivity, economic friendliness, and expands human rights frameworks, peace, democracy, and social harmony. Justice (Prof.) Joel Ngugi, NaSCI-AJS Chair, stressed the need to strengthen the AJS movement, citing recent research showing 19% of Kenyans not pursuing justice, 17% utilizing courts, and 64% relying on AJS.

In closing remarks, EGH. Retired Chief Justice, Dr. Willy Mutunga, announced plans to translate the Constitution of Kenya, 2010, into all cultural languages for broader access. He noted AJS’s transformative impact on the Judiciary, stating, “the courts are not judges’ courts, but peoples’ courts,” challenging the notion that “ordinary people can’t think for themselves.” KELIN promotes access to justice as a fundamental rule of law, enabling vulnerable and marginalized communities to seek justice and rebuild their lives. Post-conference, KELIN commits to expanding and retooling AJS through awareness creation, practitioner training, and partnerships to address existing gaps.To contribute to the discussions on this forum, follow KELIN on our social media platforms: Twitter: @KELINKenya, Facebook: @kelinkenya

The Hashtags relevant to this discussion are: #PeopleCenteredJustice # #AJSConference

For more information, please contact:

Kenneth Akach

Programme Officer.

P O Box 112 – 00202 KNH Nairobi,

Tel: 020, 2515790 │Mobile: +254790339964

