Another Two Week Delay: Court adjourns the hearing of the Forced and Coerced Sterilization Case

The court has pushed forward the hearing of a case challenging the forced and coerced sterilization of four women living with HIV to the 18th of November 2021. This further delay was occasioned by the fact that the Judge had an urgent emergency meeting. All parties were present and ready to proceed with their final arguments. (hyperlink to amended petition)

The court had two weeks ago adjourned the matter on account that it had a long schedule and set aside this particular date and time to accommodate the parties. Although they are disappointed, the petitioners welcome the date set by the court for the highlighting of their submissions with the hope that the matter will soon be concluded and that justice is served seven years down the line since the case was filed. (hyperlink to last news item)

This petition was filed in 2014 by four women living with HIV alongside KELIN and the African Gender & Media Initiative Trust. In the petition, the four women living with HIV have indicated how they were coerced into undergoing forced sterilization in exchange for food rations. They seek orders to vindicate the violation of their rights, as well as to compel the government to put in place measures that ensure that women living with HIV access reproductive health services in a manner that respects their reproductive autonomy.

PLEASE NOTE: The petitioners request that their names and identity should not be disclosed in the media to protect them from further stigma and discrimination on the basis of their HIV status. They are therefore not available to give interviews.

To contribute to the discussions on this forum, follow KELIN on our social media platforms: @KELINKenya using the hashtag #Justice2Health.


For more information:

Allan Maleche,

Advocate for the Petitioner’s and

Executive Director, KELIN

Kenya Legal and Ethical Issues Network on HIV & AIDS (KELIN)

Karen C, Kuwinda Lane, Off Langata Road

Po Box 112 – 00202 KNH

