Call for Applications: Training Workshop for Journalists on Protection of the Right to Health through Transparency and Accountability

Call for Applications: Training Workshop for Journalists on Protection of the Right to Health through Transparency and Accountability

Date: 29-30 May 2018

Registration Deadline:  18 May 2018

Open to: Health and/or Human Rights Reporters from Kisumu County

Monetary resources play a central role in realising the right to health. In Kenya, just like in many other middle and low-income countries, inadequacy of monetary resources has always been an overarching challenge in the health sector. This is however not the only barrier to the realisation of the right to health. Media and audit reports reveal a problem in mismanagement, misappropriation and outright theft of available resources. This is manifested through corruption in health sector spending leading to: frequent stock-outs of essential medication; poorly compensated medical personnel; poorly equipped medical facilities, among other issues.

In response, KELIN with support from the Commonwealth Foundation is conducting a series of trainings for media professionals alongside CSOs and CBOs on health accountability reporting. The training aims to empower this target group on how to monitor transparency and accountability in implementation of the right to health.

For this second part of the training series, we invite Kisumu-based health or human rights reporters to submit their credentials for consideration.

How to Register: Interested participants should submit their details through this link or by clicking the button below.

Note: Due to the limited spaces available, only the first 8 applicants will be considered.

Deadline: 18 May 2018

* Download this Call for Applications*