Court Gives Parties Three Months to Jointly Pursue Amendment of Unconstitutional Law
On 13th March 2023, the High Court at Malindi agreed to stay proceedings in KELIN Vs County Government of Kilifi and County Assembly of Kilifi
On 13th March 2023, the High Court at Malindi agreed to stay proceedings in KELIN Vs County Government of Kilifi and County Assembly of Kilifi
KELIN is scheduled to conduct a training for male champions against SGBV in Homa Bay County on the 13th & 14th of March 2023. Fronting
On the 20th and 21st February 2023, KELIN conducted a workshop targeting 35 participants constituting of key County stakeholders such as Members of County Assembly
On 3rd March 2023, KELIN, with support from Aidsfonds, convened a meeting with members of a National Think Tank on Access to Medicines to disseminate
On the 9th of February 2023, KELIN with the support form DFPA conducted a one-day training on prevention and response to gender-based violence (GBV) for
9th Feb 2023, KELIN conducts a training on gender-based violence (GBV) prevention and response, targeting the law enforcement officers drawn from Mbita and Rangwe sub-counties
Putting Data Protection at the Centre of Implementation of Digital Health Technologies Protection and promotion of health-related human rights while using technology is an illusion
Final directions have been given with respect to the hearing of Winfred Clarkson Otieno Ochieng & 13 Others v The Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Health
On Wednesday 1st March 2023, the Court marked the suit in Solomon Ngatia and 387 Others v The Director of Public Prosecution & another; FIDA-Kenya
On 27th February 2023, Justice Thande gave final directions with respect to hearing of Petition No 428 of 2018 (The Network for Adolescents and Youth of Africa and another
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"Everyone Said NO" Biometrics, HIV and Human Rights
A Kenyan Case Study