Coalition’s Last Quarterly Phase 1 Meeting: Transform Health Partners Take Stock and Strategize for Future Opportunities

Amidst the belief that all good things must come to an end, the six implementing partners of Transform Health Coalition in Kenya – KELIN, PHDA, White Ribbon Alliance, Youth Alive, Africa Media Trust (Love Matters) – recently gathered from April 15-17th, 2024 in Nairobi, Kenya to reflect on their collective journey. Rather than viewing it as an endpoint, they saw it as an opportune moment for pause and introspection on progress made thus far.

Convened by the coalition coordinator, KELIN, this gathering served as a platform to evaluate the impact of their united efforts in advancing Universal Health Coverage (UHC) in Kenya through digital health technologies and data. With a shared goal of achieving UHC commitments, the partners engaged in outcome harvesting, a process aimed at identifying and documenting the outcomes achieved over the past two years.

The exercise was guided by the overarching objectives of:

1. Developing and adopting laws and policies on digital health technologies to meet UHC commitments by 2030 at both national and county levels.

2. Increasing adoption and utilization of digital health technologies for equitable, affordable, and quality healthcare at national and county government levels.

3. Mobilizing increased resources at both national and county levels to strengthen digital health technologies and meet UHC commitments.

This activity doesn’t mark an end but rather lays the groundwork for an upcoming phase two of the Transform Health project. Its timing perfectly aligned with the Transform Health Strategic Planning Workshop set for April 22nd to 24th, 2024, where the coalition further intends to reflect on past achievements, map out future strategies, and set priorities for their collaborative endeavors moving forward.

In preparation for this strategic planning workshop, implementing partners received guidance on crafting PowerPoint presentations to showcase their achievements and contribute to shaping the coalition’s strategic direction moving forward.

As they gather to reflect, evaluate, and strategize, these partners demonstrate their unwavering commitment to advancing healthcare accessibility, equity, and quality for all Kenyans through innovative digital health solutions.

To contribute to the discussion, follow KELIN on our social media platforms.

Twitter: @KELINKenya   

For more information, please contact.

Pauline Omoto

Program Associate

Kenya Legal and Ethical Issues Network on HIV & AIDS (KELIN)

Kuwinda Lane, Karen C, off Langáta Road
