Community Champions Advocate for Health Rights and Community Led Monitoring in TB Response at County Level.

Kisumu, Kenya – 26th April 2024

Tuberculosis (TB)  champions along with the County TB and Lungs Coordinator, Prison department representative and Court User Committee’s  representative convened  to discuss the county’s- Kisumu-  TB response strategy. The dialogue hosted by TB champions trained by KELIN emphasized  the importance of advocating for the right to health and health-related rights particularly for individuals affected by TB.

During the dialogue, participants from all the sub counties of Kisumu delved into the County’s TB response position highlighting existing challenges like limited access to healthcare facilities, inadequate resources, stigma associated with TB and gaps in service delivery. Also discussed were successes like improved awareness, increased TB case detection and better treatment outcomes. Highlighted areas for improvement included community engagement, increased resource allocation, addressing stigma and data collection for monitoring purposes The County TB and Lungs Coordinator provided insights into the county’s efforts in TB prevention, diagnosis, treatment and care emphasizing the need for collaborative action to address gaps in service delivery and promote community engagement.

During the Dialogue, KELIN championed for the rights of individuals affected by TB emphasizing the importance of access to quality healthcare services including TB diagnosis, treatment and support services. KELIN also emphasized on the need for community-led monitoring (CLM) initiatives to ensure accountability, transparency and effectiveness in TB programs and advocating for the use of the One Impact platform for CLM.The One Impact platform is a community-led monitoring tool that enables community members to monitor and report on the availability, accessibility, affordability and quality of TB services in their respective communities. By empowering communities to actively participate in monitoring TB programs, the platform fosters accountability and facilitates the identification of gaps and challenges that require attention.

As the dialogue concluded, stakeholders expressed optimism about the potential impact of community-led monitoring initiatives in enhancing TB service delivery and improving health outcomes in Kisumu County. Participants pledged to continue working together to advance the TB response agenda, uphold health rights and promote inclusive and sustainable TB programs in the region. KELIN’s welcomes this pledge and remains committed to  empowering communities towards promoting the realization of health rights for all.

For more information, please contact:

Duke Otieno

Advocacy Officer-HIV/TB

Kenya Legal and Ethical Issues Network on HIV & AIDS (KELIN)

Kuwinda Lane, Karen C, off Langáta Road