Community Health Advocates commit to fast tracking Health Related Rights

On 11 – 15 September 2017, KELIN in collaboration with AIDS & Rights Alliance for Southern Africa (ARASA), Kenya Sex Workers Alliance (KESWA) and Lwala Community Alliance   hosted 30 Community Health Advocates to a one week training in Homa Bay County. The training, which focused on HIV, TB, sexual and reproductive rights and human rights, was premised on the ARASA-supported National HIV, TB and Human Rights Training Programme in Kenya.

The training, which brought together Community Health Advocates (CHAs) from Nairobi, Mombasa, Kisumu, Homa Bay and Migori counties, was aimed at enhancing capacity of participants in dealing with issues related to HIV, TB and the right to health. This was in recognition that Community Health Advocates play a crucial role in ensuring that communities are sensitized around health rights and create the link with health care facilities.

As a result of this training, KELIN has now empowered a pool of Community Health Advocates who will, moving forward, monitor implementation of the right to health, while documenting and reporting any human rights violations.

“Currently, I work as a community social worker in one of the organizations dealing with the welfare of Sex workers in Mombasa County. I have now realized that if I had this knowledge of human rights earlier, then I would have assisted several sex workers with the knowledge and skills to defend and protect their rights to quality health care without discrimination at the health facilities. But now that I know, I’ll strive to make a difference,” Esther Nelima, CHA Likoni Sub County of Mombasa.

To contribute to the discussion and for live updates follow KELIN on our social media platforms using the hashtag #HIVTBRights

Twitter: @KELINkenya



For more information contact:
Lucy Ghati

Programme Manager, HIV & TB

Mombasa Road, Somak building 4th Floor

P O Box 112 – 00200 KNH Nrb,

Tel: 020, 2515790 │Mobile: 0790 487473E-mail:
