Empowering Communities: KELIN Sparks Positive Change in Kisumu Through Land Rights Clinics

In a dynamic initiative aimed at empowering communities and fostering equitable land management, KELIN spearheaded a series of impactful dialogues in Kisumu County. Held on the 29th of February and the 1st of March 2024, these multistakeholder land clinics brought together a diverse array of participants, including representatives from the Judiciary, NGAO, Ministry of Lands, KNCHR, LSK, National Police Service, CSOs, FBOs, CBOs, Ombudsman, elders, and community members.

This collaborative effort stemmed from a previous sensitization event in August 2023, convened by KELIN, where it became clear that misinformation and a lack of awareness were significant barriers to claiming and protecting land rights. During the recent forums, pressing issues such as the reconstruction of files following the destruction of the land registry, the absence of maps in certain areas, mishandled successions, parcel boundaries, and the deceptive practices of land brokers were brought to the forefront.

However, the gatherings weren’t just about identifying challenges; they were about finding solutions. Duty bearers present at the events took proactive steps to raise awareness about the necessary processes and structures for individuals to assert and safeguard their land rights. Moreover, sub-county land networks and champions were identified to further mobilize communities and consolidate cases for action by relevant authorities.

We look forward to sharing updates on the progress of cases we will support within this period, as well as sharing success stories from community members who realize their land rights as a result of these clinics.

To contribute to the discussions on this forum, follow KELIN on our social media platforms using the hashtag:

#StrategicPartnerships #EqitableLandRights

Twitter: @KELINKenya @SYFFKenya

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/kelinkenya    https://www.facebook.com/SYFFKenya/

For more information, please contact.

Kenneth Otieno Akach

Program Officer, Women Land & Property Rights

Kenya Legal and Ethical Issues Network on HIV & AIDS (KELIN)

Nyalenda Railways Estate, Block 9/220

Off Nairobi Road, Opposite YMCA

P.O. Box 7708| 40100 Kisumu – Kenya

Email: kotieno@kelinkenya.org