Enhancing a Human Rights Based Approach to HIV Through Public Participation

KELIN with support from the Commonwealth Foundation conducted a three day training in Kisumu on the link between HIV, Human Rights, and governance. The training brought together 31 representatives of Civil Society Organizations, Persons Living with HIV,widows’, elders and Health Care Workers from the counties of Homabay, Bungoma, Kisumu, and Kakamega, .

The objective of the training was to enhance the participants’ understanding on the link between HIV, Human Rights and governance, and to further sensitize them on the need to take active part in the legislative process to ensure a Human rights based approach to HIV. Participants flagged out the punitive laws that hinder full enjoyment of HIV related Human Rights, and were trained on how they can take active part in advocating for the review or amendment of such laws. They were challenged to engage the various county governments to influence legislations which are geared towards the promotion, respect and protection of the rights based approach to HIV.

Participants also shared their experiences in participating in the governance process.  Some of the challenges shared included the lack of proper communication when public participation events are scheduled, lack of transparency and accountability on the part of the various legislative committees, among others.

It was noted that there is need to sensitize the legislative arm of both the National and County governments on the link between HIV human rights and governance, to enhance their understanding on the need to fully implement Article 118 of the Constitution of Kenya 2010 which provides for public participation, and come up with laws and policies that promote a rights based approach to HIV.

At the end of the training, the participants committed to form a strong network within each county to take active part in the governance process and enhance the legislation of laws and policies which promote a rights’ based approach to HIV.