Fact Finding Not Fault Finding: Community Led Monitoring on TB Response.

A significant milestone towards enhancing accountability in TB management was recently achieved through a national training session held in Machakos County. The event, organized by KELIN,  brought together TB champions from 39 counties across Kenya as well as strategic partners including the Network of TB Champions for a discussion on Community Led Monitoring (CLM) for improved TB response and accountability.

The training aimed to empower TB champions with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively monitor and report on TB responses in their respective regions. Participants were introduced to the CLM concept and trained on TB response and human rights as well as on utilizing the One Impact platform for information sharing, documentation and reporting. The CLM platform is instrumental in enabling communities to share real-time information on issues impacting on the TB response thus fostering transparency and responsiveness in TB care.

 “CLM is about fact finding and not fault finding” was the resonating theme of the discussion with sessions emphasizing the importance of community involvement in monitoring TB responses to ensure that they meet the needs of patients and adhere to established standards. Participants had an in-depth conversation on the legal framework governing TB care and the rights of TB patients. This session equipped the TB champions with knowledge on legal protections and the advocacy tools necessary to uphold these rights. The TB champions were organized into regional groups to develop customized advocacy strategies tailored to the specific challenges and needs of their regions. This collaborative effort resulted in actionable plans aimed at addressing regional disparities in TB care and enhancing the effectiveness of TB interventions.

The training received positive feedback from the TB champions who expressed confidence in their enhanced ability to monitor and advocate for better TB responses. They highlighted the practical utility of the One Impact platform and appreciated the legal insights taken through.

This national training marks a significant milestone in Kenya’s fight against TB. By empowering TB champions with the skills and tools for effective community-led monitoring and advocacy, the event has strengthened the foundation for a more accountable and responsive TB care system. The collaborative development of regional advocacy strategies promises to address specific local challenges and improve TB outcomes across the country.

KELIN is committed to continued support and follow-up sessions will be organized to ensure the successful execution of these plans and to sustain the momentum generated by this landmark training session.

For more information, please contact:

Duke Otieno

Advocacy Officer-HIV/TB


Kenya Legal and Ethical Issues Network on HIV & AIDS (KELIN)

Kuwinda Lane, Karen C, off Langáta Road