Health Care Workers’ Central Role in the Fight against GBV in Homabay County

Providing medical care for Gender-Based-Violence (GBV) survivors is a bigger challenge in the rural/ remote regions in Homabay County, Kenya. This is due to, among other things, the low capacity among health care providers to screen for GBV cases. It is in this regard that KELIN supported a five-day long s training for health care providers in Rangwe subcounty, from the 22nd to 26th  of April 2024 on clinical management of GBV. The training incorporated both health and legal approaches to GBV in prevention and response interventions across range in the health sector in order to deliver tangible results as a means of promoting and protecting health related human rights for all community members in Homabay County.

The County Government of Homabay has made significant steps in the elimination of Sexual Gender Based Violence (SGBV) through the development of a policy framework that will comprehensively promote prevention, protection, and co-ordination of response to the myriad phases of SGBV. However, more remains to be done to comprehensively end all cases of GBV in the region.

It is therefore critical that health care providers are continuously capacitated on clinical management of GBV. They are often the first responders on scene having a wide reach into homes and communities to address any such cases, including providing referral services. Healthcare workers are also instrumental in driving solutions to influence social norms and behavior change to stop the violence. 

KELIN recognizes and reaffirms the essential role played by health care providers in the fight against GBV.   We remain dedicated to promoting the realization of health rights by building the capacity of health care professionals, particularly at the grassroot levels, to prevent and respond to GBV cases.  

To contribute to the discussions on this forum, follow KELIN on our social media platform via @KELINKenya.  

Photo1: A facilitator engaging with Participants during training of Health Care Providers on Clinical Management of GBV in Rangwe- Homabay County.

For more information please contact,  

Edwine Nyanja,  

Program Officer- SRHR,  

Kenya Legal & Ethical Issues Network on HIV/AIDS (KELIN),  
