Health Care Workers to Benefit from HIV, Human Rights and the Law Training

KELIN conducted a three-day training in Kakamega County on HIV and human Rights for stakeholders working on issues of HIV in partnership with NEPHAK from June 24-26.  As a build up on that in an effort to promote a multi sectoral approach to HIV response in the county, health care workers will benefit from a three-day training on HIV, human rights and the law from September 10-12, 2014. The training, which will draw participants from various health care facilities in the County of Kakamega, will be conducted by KELIN and supported by UNDP.

Human Rights violations are commonly reported in provision of health care to Persons living with HIV (PLHIV) including children as reported in a study KELIN, and Kenya AIDS NGO Consortium (KANCO) undertook in 2013. While health care workers are performing their duties and more specifically when handling PLHIV they encounter various challenges including dilemma on legal and ethical issues in HIV. This has been largely attributed to the fact that there are various laws that exist but are not well understood.

The rights and duties of health care workers versus those of PLHIV remain a source of conflict in provision of health care. KELIN aims to ensure the training enhances the knowledge of the health care workers on HIV, human rights and the law so that they can better provide services by upholding the rights of PLHIV seeking health services and forwarding cases of human rights violations to KELIN and other constitutionally mandated bodies.

To contribute to the discussions during the forum and receive the latest updates, follow KELIN on our social media platforms.

Twitter: we will be using #HIVLaw
