Judicial Dialogue on HIV & the Law in Eastern & Southern Africa

Approximately fifty judicial officers from Burundi, Kenya & Tanzania will participate in a Judicial Dialogue on HIV, Human Rights and the Law that takes place on 2– 3 December, 2014 in Nairobi. This will be the second dialogue to be undertaken in Africa as one of the initiatives aimed at taking forward the recommendations of the Global Commission on HIV and the Law. The workshop is organized by the Judiciary Training Institute (JTI) and KELIN in partnership with United Nations Development Programme (UNDP- Kenya) and UNAIDS.

The meeting is a followup from the success of the first judicial dialogue to see the extent to which thedeliberations on the interpretation of the law have contributed to forming a key tool in advancing the rights of people living with HIV (PLHIV) in Eastern and Southern Africa.The dialogue aims to achieve the following:

a)      Provide a critical opportunity for discussion and experience-sharing between judges and magistrates from Kenya and those from other African Countries on the complex legal and human rights issues posed by the HIV epidemic.

b)     An opportunity for judicial training institutions to discuss effective strategies and programmes for judicial education and training so as to help ensure the different judiciaries are able to make informed decisions on HIV-related human rights issues.

At the end of the dialogue it is expected that the judicial officers will have greater awareness on the role of the law and the courts in protecting the rights of people living with and affected by HIV.

To share your thoughts on the forum follow KELIN on our social media platforms for the latest updates.

Twitter: http://twitter.com/KELINKenya #HIVLaw

Facebook: http://facebook.com/kelinkenya

You tube: http://youtube.com/user/kelinkenya

February 6, 2015

Dear KELIN: do you have a report of this event that you can share with UNDP Regional Centre for Africa please? Kindly, Amitrajit Saha