KELIN Celebrates Research Milestone on Digital Health Rights

KELIN is proud to announce the publication of the comprehensive Kenya Country Brief on Digital Health marking a significant milestone in the organization’s ongoing efforts to enhance digital health rights in Kenya. KELIN is currently implementing the Digital Health and Rights Project (DHRP), that focuses on the future of human rights in the digital age while recognizing the role of young people in policy development and governance.

The Brief, developed in collaboration with partners from Warwick University, VNP+ (Vietnam), NAP+ Ghana and Uni Andes (Colombia) provide in-depth insights, case studies and policy recommendations aimed at improving digital health governance in the four countries[1]. It  addresses key issues related to digital health, including data privacy, accessibility, and the integration of digital technologies in the domestic healthcare systems. This pivotal document is a result of extensive research and stakeholder engagement, reflecting the current state of digital health and offering strategic pathways for advancement.

KELIN invites policymakers, programmers in digital health, healthcare professionals, and all other stakeholders to engage with the findings and recommendations presented in the brief to foster a more inclusive and effective digital health landscape in Kenya.

To contribute to the discussion, follow KELIN on our social media platforms.

Twitter: @KELINKenya                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           For more information, please contact.

Olendo Obondo

Programme Officer

Kenya Legal and Ethical Issues Network on HIV & AIDS (KELIN)

Kuwinda Lane, Karen C, off Langata Road

[1] Kenya, Ghana, Vietnam and Columbia