KELIN disseminates recently launched Compendium of Cases to Employers

KELIN has disseminated over 50 copies of the recently launched Compendium of Cases of the HIV and AIDS Tribunal to employers. This was during a breakfast meeting held on 21st February 2017 to discuss HIV at the workplace with managers and coordinators from the private sector. The meeting was convened by the Federation of Kenya Employers (FKE) working in partnership with the International Labour Organisation (ILO), Swedish Workplace HIV/AIDS Programme (SWHP), LVCT Health and the National AIDS Control Council.

The meeting presented KELIN with an opportunity to discuss HIV, human rights and the law. In this regards, KELIN’s Executive Director, Allan Maleche, made a presentation on Non-compliance: Recent Developments and Case Findings in the context of HIV at the Workplace. The presentation focused on why HIV is a business issue, the legal position, the legal and ethical issues arising, channels of enforcement and recent cases as highlighted in the Compendium.

The disseminated Compendium of Cases was launched on the eve of World AIDS Day, 30 November 2016, and contains a total of 13 cases. The cases address issues of discrimination based on HIV status, testing without consent, breach of confidentiality, termination of employment on the basis of one’s HIV status, and jurisdiction of the tribunal.

Mr Maleche urged the employers to promote a rights based approach in dealing with HIV & TB at the workplace, have a workplace policy on HIV & TB and ensure trainings and sensitization of employees on issues of HIV & TB.

To contribute to the discussion and for live updates follow KELIN on our social media platforms: Twitter: @KELINkenya using hashtag #HIVAIDSAtWorkplace


For more information contact:

Allan Maleche

Executive Director KELIN

Kenya Legal and Ethical Issues Network on HIV & AIDS (KELIN)

4th Floor, Somak Building, Mombasa Road Tel +254202515790;

Cell +254708389870;
