KELIN engages legal counsel and policy analysts from the National Assembly on legislating for SRHR

The National Assembly is the legislative arm and is mandated with the enactment of legislation that guides both the conduct of the Executive and the residents of Kenya.  This Assembly plays an important role in giving content to the rights enshrined in the Bill of Rights (particularly socio-economic rights) by enacting legislation to provide mechanisms for the realization of these rights.

Article 43(1) (a) guarantees the right to highest attainable standard of health including reproductive health and in the past years we have seen the National Assembly seek to give content this through the Reproductive Health Bill; the In-vitro Fertilization Bill and the Assisted Reproductive Technology Bill. However these Bills did not pass at the close of the 11th Assemblies term of office for a number of reasons.

In recognition of the important role the National Assembly plays KELIN engaged the Legal Counsel and Policy Analysts from the Assembly who play a key role in the legislative drafting process on 6 October 2017. The objectives of this training were to: enhance the participants’ knowledge on the legislative framework for sexual and reproductive health and rights; appraise participants of the current national and county developments on reproductive health; and to interrogate the role of parliament in legislating favorable reproductive health laws.

This meeting provided insight into the legislative process from the perspectives of the counsel and analysts particularly the challenges they face and the influence they have during the legislative process.  The Counsel and Analysts particularly those working in the Health Committee indicated there is indeed political will towards these issues however, some concessions must be made to ensure legislative gains are made.

To contribute to the discussions on this forum follow KELIN on our social media platforms:

Twitter: @KELINkenya using hashtag #breakingthebarriers #NA #ReproHealth



For more information contact:


Nerima Were

Programme Officer Sexual & Reproductive Health Rights

Kenya Legal and Ethical Issues Network on HIV & AIDS (KELIN)

4th Floor, Somak Building, Mombasa Road

Tel +254202515790;
