KELIN leads community forums in Mombasa, Baringo and Nairobi to advocate for restrictions in marketing of unhealthy foods to children.

KELIN, in collaboration with the African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC) hosted community engagement forums in Mombasa, Baringo and Nairobi counties to sensitize community leaders on the urgent need to restrict marketing of unhealthy foods and non-alcoholic beverages to children. The forums which were held on 14th, 18th and 25th March 2024, respectively, had participation of over 90 community leaders including religious leaders, village elders, chiefs, teachers, parents’ associations, county government representatives, civil society and community-based representatives, community health promoters, among others.

The main objective of the forums was to enlighten community leaders on the importance of implementing restrictions on marketing of unhealthy foods and non-alcoholic beverages to children as a policy tool to promote healthy diets and prevent NCDs. The forums were also an opportunity to disseminate findings of a research study undertaken by APHRC that assessed the frequency and nature of unhealthy food and beverage marketing to children. The study also assessed the persuasive power of techniques used in promotional communications targeting children on television, in stores, sports events and around schools in Kenya.

During the community dialogues, KELIN shared with community leaders about the relationship between unhealthy diets and non-communicable diseases, highlighting that NCDs account for more than 50% of hospital admission and over 55% of hospital deaths in the country. Research evidence was also shared that demonstrated how the marketing of foods to children influenced food perceptions, preferences, purchase, and consumption behaviors in Kenya, as well as the legal justifications to adopt this policy measure.

Community members confirmed that the high level of competition by manufacturers in selling products has heightened loose marketing practices and created access to unhealthy food for children. They suggested the need to limit claims used in advertising products that target children as consumers and ensure disclaimers are included in advertisements featuring unhealthy foods.

Some of the action points from the meetings included the personal commitments by community leaders to disseminate the knowledge acquired from the forums to increase awareness locally. They also joined an existing online community that is advocating for food policy measures and committed to undertaking advocacy at the county level.

By engaging community leaders and stakeholders, KELIN’s initiative seeks to foster a collaborative approach in the protection of children and towards implementing measures that promote healthier lifestyles to reduce the prevalence of NCDs.

To contribute to the discussion, follow KELIN on our social media platforms.

Twitter: @KELINKenya   

For more information, please contact.

Pauline Omoto

Program Associate

Kenya Legal and Ethical Issues Network on HIV & AIDS (KELIN)

Kuwinda Lane, Karen C, off Langáta Road
