This year’s Bergen Exchanges focused on: the legal determinants of inequality; lawfare by and related to migrants & refugees, sexual and gender minorities and children; the effects of policing, criminal law and incarceration; judicial independence; and law fare over natural resources. The exchange was preceded by a two-day inception workshop on “Political determinants of sexual and reproductive health: Criminalisation, health impacts and game changers”. This is a two-pronged study that will be carried out in nine African countries including Kenya. The four-year project aims to understand the health effects of criminalizing sexual and reproductive behaviour and health services and analyse the political dynamics that drive, hamper and shape the use of such criminal law.
After participating the in the events in Bergen, Allan Maleche said:
“Am glad that KELIN is part of this ground breaking research project that is in line with KELIN’s strategic plan 2015- 2019. This will help us answer key questions on sexual reproductive rights, which will inform our implementation strategies in our respective thematic areas. Spending a week at Bergen allowed me to interact with other scholars from other disciplines. This has immensely enhanced my thinking on what can be achieved with this project”.
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For more information contact:
Allan Maleche (Executive Director) KELIN.
Mombasa Road, Somak building 4th floor
P.O Box 112-00200, KNH
Mobile No: +254 708 389 870; Email:
For Twitter updates: @KELINkenya #BergenExchanges