KELIN Participates In the Public Hearing of The Health Bill 2015

On 9 July, 2015 the Clerk of the National Assembly invited members of the public to a hearing of the Health Bill that was to take place on 15 July 2015 at the Main Chambers of Parliament. This call was made pursuant to the Constitutional requirement under Article 118 that mandates Parliament to facilitate public participation and involvement in the legislative business of the House. The invitation was also triggered by an open letter  that KELIN and 44 other civil society organizations issued on 18 July 2015 demanding for public participation in the law making process.

KELIN, and other stakeholders, including, Kenya Medical Association, Kenya Hospices & Palliative Care Association, Ipas Africa Alliance, Talk Labs, Article 19 Eastern Africa and the Kenya Christian Professionals Forum, among others, participated in the discussion.

Key among the recommendations made by KELIN included:


  • Adopting internationally recognized definitions – The definitions provided for in the Bill must be in line with internationally approved and standardized definitions.


  • Establishing a health professional tribunal – The bill should establish a health tribunal for any person to file a complaint about the manner in which he or she was treated at a healthcare facility.


  • Setting clear timelines for enacting regulations – For all clauses that are geared towards establishment of enabling legislation and regulations, the bill must set out timelines within which the legislation or regulations are to be made.


  • Clarifying roles of national and county governments – The bill must clearly outline the roles of the national and county governments and non- state actors in implementation of the right to health.


  • Recognizing mature minors – The Committee should recognize the right of mature minors to give consent in accessing health care services as already recognized in the HIV Prevention and Control Act.


KELIN and other stakeholders will keenly follow up to see how the Parliamentary Health Committee of the National Assembly will respond to the proposed amendments. This is in light of the fundamental role that the health bill plays as a pivotal law that will lay the foundation for many more laws centered on the right to health including reproductive health laws and mental health laws amongst others.


Audit of the Health Bill 2015

Additional Clauses on the Health Bill 2015


For more information contact:
Tabitha Griffith Saoyo KELIN.

Mombasa Road, Somak building 4th floor
P.O Box 112-00200, KNH
Tel +254202515790; Email:
For Twitter updates: @KELINkenya #HealthBill2015

July 19, 2015

Good job. Keep us posted.