KELIN Shares Expertise at Reproductive Justice Litigation Baraza 2024

From August 14th to 17th, 2024, the KELIN Strategic Litigation Team and the Legal Support Network members participated in the Reproductive Justice Litigation Baraza in Entebbe, Uganda. Organized by the Afya na Haki Institute (Ahaki), this event convened judges, lawyers, academics, medical practitioners, and activists from across Africa, India, and Latin America to explore Afrocentric approaches to reproductive justice through South-to-South knowledge exchange.

The Baraza, opened by Dr. Moses Mulumba, Director General of Ahaki, emphasized the need for African institutions and individuals to dismantle colonial legacies through strategic litigation. Dr. Mulumba highlighted the importance of African-led initiatives in addressing historical injustices that continue to affect reproductive rights on the continent.

Prof. Anand Grover, Executive Director of Lawyers Collective and former UN Special Rapporteur on the right to health, delivered the keynote address. He underscored the role of colonialism in criminalizing pleasure, leading to sanctions on abortion, drug use, and sex work. Prof. Grover emphasized that decriminalizing abortion is crucial for advancing reproductive autonomy and justice for women in Africa.

KELIN’s Legal Counsel, Nyokabi Njogu, contributed to a high-level discussion on strategic litigation for sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) in post-colonial Africa. Drawing from KELIN’s successes in litigating access to medicines and addressing reproductive coercion, Nyokabi highlighted the need for Afrocentric approaches that prioritize the lived experiences of communities in court decisions.

The Baraza also featured insights from Latin American partners, including the Causa Justa Movement in Colombia, which has been instrumental in decriminalizing abortion. KELIN added to the conversation by discussing the importance of broad legal advocacy strategies, including public awareness campaigns that support the implementation of favorable court rulings.

The event concluded with the launch of the Africa Reproductive Justice Litigation Alliance (ARJLA), a new initiative aimed at unifying resources, promoting cross-border learning, and amplifying African narratives to advance reproductive justice litigation across the continent.

As stated by Isabella Mwangi of the Legal Support Network, “This Baraza reinforced the power of strategic litigation in advancing reproductive justice across Africa. By centering Afrocentric approaches and the lived experiences of our communities, we can create lasting legal and policy changes that truly serves our people.” Indeed, KELIN leaves the Baraza inspired and committed to continuing its work toward the realization of reproductive rights for all.

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