KELIN staff trained on the use of media as a tool for advocating for justice

KELIN is pleased to have completed a two day communications training of all its staff members. The training, held on 23rd and 24th April 2018, was in collaboration with Jade Communication Ltd. The training focused on various aspects of communication including media engagement, strategic communication, voice coaching, simulating live TV interviews, and generally how to pursue justice through social media.

Led by renown media personalities and internationally acclaimed communications advisors, the forum applied a variety of teaching methods including presentations and practical exercises that assisted KELIN staff appreciate voice control, the power of social media and how to map out journalists working in the field of health and litigation.

As part of implementing objective 5 of KELIN’s Strategic Plan, this training is informed by KELIN’s need to sharpen its skills, appreciative of the diverse speaking engagements that our staff often engaged in. These activities vary from the launch of reports, to facilitating trainings, to media interviews as well as speaking engagements on international fora.

As a result of this forum, KELIN hopes that the institution is now increasingly strong and able to deliver on its mandate. We further hope that our staff will now engage in content delivery on a wide variety of platforms in a more confident manner with conviction and articulation.

To contribute to the discussion and for live updates follow KELIN on our social media platforms: Twitter: @KELINkenya; Facebook:


For more information contact:
Saoyo Tabitha,

Deputy Executive Director

Kenya Legal and Ethical Issues Network on HIV & AIDS (KELIN)
4th Floor, Somak Building, Mombasa Road
PO Box 112-00200, KNH