Kenya set to conduct a TB gender and data on key populations assessment

The Stop TB Partnership has trained civil society, affected communities and government representatives from seven TB high burden countries on human rights, key populations and gender tools. Country teams from Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Kenya, Nigeria, Tanzania, and Ukraine learned, discussed and planned on the TB & HIV Gender Assessment Tool, Legal Environment Assessment Tool, and Data for Action Framework on Key, Vulnerable and Underserved Populations. The training, which was conducted from 24 – 27 July 2017 in Bangkok, resulted in development of country specific action plans for implementation of the tools in the seven countries.

KELIN, with other facilitators, trained participants on a integrating a rights-based approach in the TB response, including in programming and implementation. Further, KELIN having already spearheaded a legal environment assessment of TB in Kenya discussed with participants the importance, design, process and next steps of the assessment.

As a result of the training, a gender and data on key populations’ assessment will now be conducted in Kenya this year. The Kenya Country Team consisted of representatives of civil society and affected communities, gender and data experts, and the acting Head of the National TB Programme, Dr Maureen Kamene.

Relatedly, on 29 – 30 July 2017 KELIN joined other civil society activists and affected communities in a two day TB Advocacy in Action workshop. The workshop took stock of the global and regional TB advocacy landscape, agreed on priority advocacy agenda and developed an implementation strategy. In the meeting, Allan Maleche, KELIN Executive Director, shared on the importance of ensuring that TB and Human Rights remain central and guides the realization of the other targets. The agenda developed at this meeting targeted several advocacy opportunities including the 2018 TB UN High Level meeting.


To contribute to the discussion and for live updates follow KELIN on our social media platforms using the hashtag #TBRights

Twitter: @KELINkenya


For more information contact:
Allan Maleche

Kenya Legal and Ethical Issues Network on HIV & AIDS (KELIN)
4th Floor, Somak Building, Mombasa Road
PO Box 112-00200, KNH
Mobile No: +254 708389870