Media Advisory: Hearing of Petition No. 164 of 2016 on distribution of matrimonial property upon dissolution of marriage

Who:  Federation of Women Lawyers Kenya (FIDA-K)


The Attorney General

What: The Constitutional and Human Rights Division of the High Court in Nairobi will hear Petition 164 of 2016; on the constitutionality of section 7 of the Matrimonial Property Act. Section 7 provides that parties shall be entitled to a share of matrimonial property in accordance to each of the spouses’ contribution made towards the acquisition of property for being in consistent with Article 45 of the Constitution. Article 45 stipulates that parties have equal rights at the time of the marriage, during the marriage and upon dissolution of the marriage.

When: 14 March 2018.

Where: Constitutional and Human Rights Division of the High Court of Kenya in Nairobi, Court No. 2 on 3rd Floor, Milimani Law Courts.

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For more information contact:

Carolene Kituku

Advocate for the Amicus

Kenya Legal and Ethical Issues Network on HIV & AIDS (KELIN)

4th Floor, Somak Building, Mombasa Road

Tel +254202515790; Cell +254720467396
