Media Advisory: Hearing of Petition 605 of 2014 on Forced and Coerced Sterilization of Women Living with HIV

Who: SWK, PAK, GWK, AMM, Kenya Legal and Ethical Issues Network on HIV & AIDS (KELIN), African Gender and Media Initiative Trust (GEM)


Médecins Sans Frontières – France (MSF- France), Pumwani Maternity Hospital, Marie Stopes International, the Nairobi County Executive Committee Member in Charge of Health Services, Cabinet Secretary – Ministry of Health, Republic of Kenya and The Attorney General.

What: The Constitutional and Human Rights Division of the High Court in Nairobi will hear Petition 605 of 2014; one of the cases challenging the forced and coerced tubal ligation of women living with HIV. To view the petition, click here.

When: 4 October 2017

Where: Constitutional and Human Rights Division of the High Court of Kenya in Nairobi, Court No. 1 on 3rd Floor, Milimani Law Courts.

PLEASE NOTE: The applicants request that their names and identity should not be disclosed in the media to protect them from further stigma/discrimination on the basis of their HIV status. The proceedings shall be in camera.

To contribute to the discussions on this forum, follow KELIN on our social media platforms: @KELINKenya using hashtag #Justice2Health


For more information contact:

Allan Maleche,

Advocate for the Petitioner’s and

Executive Director, KELIN

Kenya Legal and Ethical Issues Network on HIV & AIDS (KELIN)

4th Floor, Somak Building, Mombasa Road

Tel +254202515790; Cell +254708389870;




African Gender and Media Initiative

3rd Ngong Avenue, Upper Hill Gardens, Apt #E-06

Telephone:  020-2113093/4

P.O. Box 50429-00200 Nairobi


Twitter: @GEM_Africa

Facebook: African Gender and Media Initiative Trust