Radio Show on Women Property Rights

KELIN will conduct a radio talk show on women property rights on 20 September, 2014 on a local radio station in Kisumu County called Radio Namlolwe 97.3 FM. The show will run from 8:00AM to 9:00 AM GMT. The radio talk show will bring out the legal and human rights issues in relation to women property rights. This will be interactively discussed by a legal expert and an elder that KELIN has worked with on the Cultural Structures Project .

The radio talk show is a buildup of the trainings KELIN has been carrying out on women property rights in Kisumu County. The topics that will be discussed are;

1.     Constitutional provisions that protect land and property ownership.

2.     Cultural attitudes to land and property ownership by women.

3.     Traditional justice systems

4.     Legal framework in Kenya on land, property and inheritance rights.

It is expected after the one hour session, the locals will be enlightened on how they can use the existing legal environment to facilitate women to access, own and inherit land.  It is expected that the awareness of women on issues relating to property rights will be increased in Kisumu County.

To contribute to the discussions during this forum tune in to Radio Namlolwe 97.3 FM or

 follow KELIN on our social media platforms for the latest updates:

Twitter: using hashtag #WPR

