The Universal Periodic Review: KELIN Joins Allies to Leverage on UN’s Human Rights System 

Between August 26-29, 2024, KELIN joined a crucial workshop in Machakos, Kenya convened by East African Centre for Human Rights (EACHRights)-the Secretariat of the Kenya Stakeholders Coalition on the Universal Periodic Review (UPR). The workshop brought together diverse civil society organizations (CSOs) in Kenya to prepare a comprehensive joint report on the status of human rights in Kenya thus far. This report is set to be presented during the Fourth Cycle, 57th session of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) process by the United Nations(UN) Human Rights Council( HRC) in May 2025.  

The UPR process is a pivotal UN mechanism that reviews the human rights records of member states every 4.5 years. It offers CSOs a unique opportunity to hold governments accountable as the primary duty bearers in promoting and protecting human rights. Also, the UPR process allows CSOs to leverage on the international human rights system, that is, the United Nations institutional and legal frameworks, to advocate for the realization of human rights at the national level.  The deadline for submission of CSO reports is September 2024, while the government of Kenya’s is expected to submit the  State report in February 2025, ahead of the HRC sessions scheduled for May next year.   

The workshop, therefore, provided an essential platform for CSOs stakeholders implementing various programs towards the realization of civil & political rights, economic, social & cultural rights and group rights to collaborate on a joint report that assesses Kenya’s progress and gaps since the last UPR cycle1.KELIN presented its draft report on the right to health which was developed collaboratively with 21 CSOs2 implementing various programs on Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights, HIV TB Key Populations, Mental Health and Digital Health. The report commended by peer CSOs included strong recommendations on resource allocation, legal reforms, and policy implementation to fully realize the Right to Health.  

Before submitting the final report this month (September 2024), KELIN, alongside the other CSOs will engage with relevant government ministries to review Kenya’s progress on past recommendations and gather credible information on any measures to address human rights violations. Additionally, KELIN plans to hold physical pre-session meetings with diplomatic missions’ resident in Kenya and Geneva ahead of the UPR to ensure that the voices of civil society are heard.  

“KELIN remains dedicated to advancing the right to health for all, and this UPR process is a crucial step in holding our government accountable and pushing for meaningful change,” said Elsie Milimu, Program Officer at KELIN.  

To contribute to the discussion, follow KELIN on our social media platforms.    

Twitter: @KELINKenya   



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