Training of Health Care Workers on HIV, Law and Human Rights

With support from AIDS Fond, KELIN in collaboration with the Kenya Paediatric Associationwillconduct training for the health care workers from Nakuru and Uasin Gishu Counties on HIV, Law and Human Rights. The training, which will take place from 25th to 27th February in Nakuru, is aimed at strengthening the capacity of the healthcare workers to appreciate their legal and ethical obligations in advancing the rights of Persons Living with HIV (PLHIV) and key populations in order to influence a rights based approach in health service delivery.

The participants, drawn from various health care institutions within Uasin Gishu and Nakuru Counties, shall include doctors, nurses, clinicians, VCT counsellors, laboratory technicians and pharmacists. The training will be facilitated by experts from the medical, legal and human rights spheres who have vast experience on issues of HIV and human rights, including Mr. Ambrose Rachier, the chairperson of KELIN’S board.

Human rights violations against Persons Living with HIV increase stigma, and ultimately lead to increased HIV and AIDS prevalence rate. A study conducted by KELIN revealed that health institutions were ranked third in terms of human rights violations at 18.1 %. Sensitizing health care workers on the right based approach to HIV is one of the key strategies to ensure that the rights of PLHIV and key populations are respected within the health care institutions.

The participants will be taken through an overview of key human rights specific to PLHIV and their role in ensuring the respect and protection of these rights. They will also get an opportunity to interact with representatives of key and affected populations from Nakuru and Uasin Gishu counties with an aim of sharing experiences and challenges faced by these groups in accessing health care services.

At the end of the three day training, the health care workers will be able to apply a rights based approach to service delivery.