Training on the link between HIV, Human Rights and Governance

KELIN Kenya, with support from Commonwealth Foundation, conducted a training forum in Mombasa on the link between HIV, human rights, and governance from 18th to 20th of March, 2014. The training brought together 20 participants from the Counties of Mombasa and Kilifi who represented various Civil Society Organizations, Community Based Organizations, Persons Living with HIV and members of key populations.

The key objectives of the training were to enhance the participants’ understanding on HIV, human rights, the law & related policies; to document desired changes on laws and policies that hinder full enjoyment of HIV related rights; to enhance participants’ knowledge on the county legislative process and governance; and how to take active part in the processes. The training also provided a platform for those living with, affected by and at risk of contracting HIV to share their testimonies and challenges presented by various legal provisions, their implementation or lack of , in relation to accessing HIV related health services.

Dr Yosa. He is taking participants through an overview of HIV and TB
Dr. Yosa taking participants through an overview of HIV and TB

During the training, criminalization of deliberate transmission of HIV was a topic that led to a heated debate with participants split into two on the issue of the repeal of section 24 of the HIV and AIDS Prevention and Control Act, and Section 26 of the Sexual Offences Act. Some participants argued that these sections should remain as a deterrent to careless sexual behavior while others argued that the burden to protect others should not be squarely laid on the PLHIV but on both parties. They further argued that everyone has a duty to protect themselves from infection through practicing safer sex.

At the end of the forum, participants formed two networks, one from each county. They committed to working together so as to actively participate in the governance process, and enhance the legislation of laws and policies which promote a rights based approach to fighting HIV.

March 29, 2014

This was interesting and informative. We hope this training was an eye opener to some of the rights governing HIV among other diseases

March 31, 2014

The training went well and i wish the implementation of the report will help us in our county Mombasa to integrate the human rights perspective and HIV.Looking forward to work as team by involving the community through KELIN support

April 3, 2014

Integrating human rights principles in HIV work is the way to go. We look forward to working with the team on taking forward the recommendations from the training.