Outreach Workers Providing Harm Reduction Services Benefit from HIV, Human Rights & the Law Training

KELIN with support from MAINline Drugs and Health will conduct a three day workshop from 25 – 27 March, 2015 on HIV, human rights, the law and documentation of human rights violations in Kwale County. This is a follow up from the recommendations made at a training that was carried out in November 2014 by KELIN in partnership with Open Society foundation.

This workshop aims to achieve three key objectives:

  • To strengthen the capacities of outreach workers providing harm reduction services on their roles in ensuring protection of human rights of Injecting Drug Users (IDUs).
  • To enhance the participants’ understanding on HIV, Human Rights and the law in the context of provision of harm reduction services in the context of devolution.
  • To enhance the participants’ understanding on documentation of human rights violations to enable to report cases of human rights abuses to the relevant authorities.

The training was necessitated by the fact that outreach workers are the first line of contact to injecting drug users in the provision of harm reduction services and there is need for them to understand the implication of the provisions of the Constitution of Kenya 2010 as it relates to provision of harm reduction services for drug users..

It is expected after the meeting, the participants will be enlightened on HIV, human rights and the law and ways of programming to address the legal and human rights barriers that relate to production of harm reduction services, have increased knowledge on documentation of human rights violations and have increased on their roles in harm reduction and promotion as well as protection of human rights of key affected populations.

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March 24, 2015

Awesome KELIN this is great as the CSOs in coast we fully support this initiative to capacity build our outreach workers. Harm reduction will work better with human rights integration. Keep up the good work.

March 25, 2015

Thank you for your comments Cosmas. We are glad to partner with you to ensure the initiative is a success as human rights is a key component in ensuring harm reduction services reach those who are affected.

March 24, 2015

thanks KELIN keep up the good work the idea to integrate harm reduction with the human rights aspect is paramount. keep up the good work to educate and capacity build our outreach workers.